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  1. Casey09

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    this morning my roo decided to wake up at 630. since i was up studying i brought him in the house so the neighbors would not get mad(im not supposed to have him) but i decided to let him out at 730 since he was crowing in. my. house. before i put him out he sat right next to me on the couch and...
  2. Casey09

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    my daughter left the front door open this morning and all 6 chickens were in the living room when i got done changing clothes. i put my hands on my hips and said "I am the hean hen in THIS coop now OUTTTTT!!" for the record its kinda funny to watch chickens try to run on tile....
  3. Casey09

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    New one for tonight : my pullets live in a box on our house. Its a large box with a plastic bin in the bottom but they are getting older and we can tell we have one roo named sleepy (when we got him every time we checked on them she/he was sleeping so thats hw he got the name)I caught him...
  4. Casey09

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    one of my pullets purrs like a cat. it cracks me up my chickens were attacked yesterday and today we noticed the one that survived was limping. my hubbs look at me and said "i think she pulled a drum stick...chickens dont have hamstrings" i could help but laugh at his corny joke lol
  5. Casey09

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    We got 2 grown hens on friday and they have been confined to the coop till they get used to it. Well today we let them in the run... me: honey, salt has poop on her butt you need to clean it him: no you wanted them you do it me: well how do you expect me to wipe a chickens butt alone? him: do...
  6. Casey09

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    if you wake me up by putting a chicken on my chest one more time...
  7. Casey09

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    ok the next one to poop in the water is going to be a nugget!!
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