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  1. Cleoandclover

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    "Get that chicken off the roof!" (When our bantam Phoenix flew onto our roof after I forgot to clip he wings) "You covered the chicken!" (When my mom put a blanket to dry over my house chicken who was roosting on the couch) "Don't worry. Chickens can eat spiders. We just have to capture Cleo...
  2. Cleoandclover

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    Way to go:D! Reducing your chicken number willpower is a important step in chicken keeping. Yet again I say way to go!
  3. Cleoandclover

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    Said to the pullet "you scammer! Don't cackle unless you actually lay an egg." Pet store cashier:" Is that a chicken?!" me:"yes, why not?" "Get the chicken out of the Christmas Cactus!" Said to the chicken "the back of the couch is not a race track!"
  4. Cleoandclover

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    "Get the chicken out of the dog food, will you?" "Take the chicken outside, she's trying to dust-bathe on the dog bed." "It's ten o'clock, you must put the chicken to bed." "No, seriously, you must let the dogs in, I have a bantam on my head."
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