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  1. dragonlady12

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    "Well, doc, it was either me or the chicken." - said to the urgent care doc when I had to go in for x-rays and ended up with a broken elbow because I fell in the yard while carrying one of my girls and rolled to the opposite side so I didn't land on her. lol I did, however, land on the pocket...
  2. dragonlady12

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    (When collecting eggs) - "I give you food, you eat it; you lay eggs, I eat them. That's how it works girls. " "Did you lay mommy a pretty egg today?" "Seriously, they aren't in the coop. GIRLS, where are your eggs?" (My female turkey has decided she hates all dogs, even the one that...
  3. dragonlady12

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    Last night, I went out to see the feather butts right after work.... My Delaware Blonde comes running up to me as usual and demands to be picked up. (She will peck at my knees until I pick her up. I call her my toddler.) Anyway, Lindsey tried to stick her beak in my mouth to get my gum. Me...
  4. dragonlady12

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    "Darn it, the Trouble Triplets are out again." To my son: "Go fetch your rooster!" To my husband who is on the phone with me while I am in the middle of the grocery store: "Did you lock up the girls?" Oh my, did that one give me looks. My new favorite, that would only really go over in a...
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