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  1. TheSitcomGirls

    Dogs with Seizures and Vaccinations

    Thank you! I'm so sorry, True Grit. :( I was worried about Lyla's liver...she seems to be fine so far and has had her enzymes tested. I insisted...that website is great. That's why I got the Thyroid test done as well.. Hopefully if she does well on the Potassium bromide then maybe we can...
  2. TheSitcomGirls

    Dogs with Seizures and Vaccinations

    Thanks to all who wrote about their experiences with vaccinations. Lyla will always be a water dog!
  3. TheSitcomGirls

    Dogs with Seizures and Vaccinations

    Thank you, I will check out the Thuja for Lyla. I will rethink the Lyme vaccine. It's just hard because we live in eastern ct and on my road in every house there is either a pet or a person who has had Lyme. I have had it twice. The first time I was undiagnosed for two years and it almost...
  4. TheSitcomGirls

    Dogs with Seizures and Vaccinations vet told me I should vaccinate against Lepto because my dogs run free on a farm and in the woods. They constantly drink out of muddy puddles and eat anything they find. He felt that the risk of Lepto was there. I wish I knew the risk of the vaccine before she had it! I have had Lyme...
  5. TheSitcomGirls

    Dogs with Seizures and Vaccinations

    I will, thank you! She does have skin allergies as well.
  6. TheSitcomGirls

    Dogs with Seizures and Vaccinations

    Thank you both...I wish that I had known all this about vaccines before. Lyla does that too! I will be sitting at my desk and she will crawl underneath onto my legs and sit on my feet when she is going to have a seizure. How long did your parents dog do okay? Years...I hope years.
  7. TheSitcomGirls

    Dogs with Seizures and Vaccinations

    I wanted to write about my Lyla because I believe her story might help another dog. In January of 2011 at age 5 she had her vaccinations in one vet visit: Lepto, Lyme and the 4 way parvo, distemper cocktail. Then 4 weeks later Lyla had her first grand mal seizure. Then she had two more seizures...
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