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  1. PineAcreChicks

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    These are our latest to hatch at 1 1/2 weeks old. The silvery one and the dark colored one with the yellow head are Easter Egger and Buff Orpington crosses. Their names are Luna and Athena- my 11 year old twins are into Greek Mythology at the moment. The golden colored one, Kate is a Rhode...
  2. PineAcreChicks

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    Our bunny Slugger, went over to visit his next door neighbors the McNuggets, May (Buff Orpington- 3-4wks), Uno (Barred Rock mix- 3 wks-our only successful hatch) and Reecie (Cuckoo Maran 2-3 wks). It looks like they were having an important conversation.
  3. PineAcreChicks

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    @valleychicks After looking at the pic, my son said it is our RIR "Ruby." Lol. I can't tell from the way the chick is standing. My sister is into photography and took the picture.
  4. PineAcreChicks

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    This is Jackie one of my EE (I think)
  5. PineAcreChicks

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    The top pic is of one of my 2 wk old RIRs and the bottom is of a 4 week old Bantam. It amazes me just how small our bantams are!! We have several different breeds and I can't decide which I like best!! I would've never guessed I would get this much satisfaction out of chickens. We are even...
  6. PineAcreChicks

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    Well it left out a picture of each. [/IMG][/IMG][/IMG]
  7. PineAcreChicks

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    [/IMG][/IMG] These are my 2 Ameracana chicks I got today. They are 2 weeks old. The lighter colored one is Henny and the darker is Jackie. I'm already in love with these babies. [/IMG] These are my 2 new RIR I got today. They are also 2 wks old. They have yet to be named as my kids can't agree...
  8. PineAcreChicks

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    . My sons, Charlie, Hunter, and Nathan with our 4 wk old pullets and 3 week old bantams and ducklings. This was the first day that most of the chicks were outside in the grass they loved. I don't know who had more fun, the boys or the chicks. Our chicks roosting in a tree. The boys were...
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