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  1. slagartist

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    How is little Minnie doing? Is she standing/walking yet? If she's lifting her left, that sounds like a fracture/break to me... I know people have posted some simple splint ideas on here, if she's still having issues. I hope she's doing okay!
  2. slagartist

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    So, we live in the city and we planned on only six but technically we have room for eight and.... I REALLY WANT THESE! SO PRETTY!
  3. slagartist

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    My biggest issue with MPC was that my mother specifically picked out the arrival dates of Aug 12-15th, since she was on vacation the week prior. Low and behold, I get a panicked call from my little brother (still at home) on Aug 6th at 10am saying the post office down there had their chickens...
  4. slagartist

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    It's a digital Canon (not sure the make, but similar models were running $800/$1000, so uhh, pretty decent? i think? haha), with both a 38mm and a 80-210mm lens. The long lens is handy when i want to keep my distance and just observe... I mess with the settings a lot (I don't "know" cameras, but...
  5. slagartist

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    Sounds like she got josselled around in transport, poor girl. I got my six from MPC as well, and two of them passed within 3 days of arrival (one on the first night). Two more almost followed, but thankfully I live with an ornithologist (handy) and his gf is an er vet tech, so by day 2 I had a...
  6. slagartist

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    Well, we need a little bit more information. How old is she? From the photo (it's kind of dark), she looks... very young. Like, no feathers at all, just fluff, so is she under a week? I know their first day they can be a little wobbly. Other than that, have you turned her over and check out...
  7. slagartist

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    It also looks a little like our Ancona did, when she was a few days~1 week old. Does it look closer to this now? This is our Ancona at ~3.5 weeks :)
  8. slagartist

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    He seriously thinks they can't see him while he's under there. When the Ancona crawled on top, he got up and was like MOOOOOM GET IT OFF WHAT DO I DO GET IT OFF and the Ancona steadied herself with her wings and just sat on him like, Oh, you're warm and cosy. I think I'll stay. Poor puppy.
  9. slagartist

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    Oh goodness, I have a ton... These kids are only 3-4 weeks old. I have six total, and each is a different breed: EE, Barred Rock, Ancona, Buff Orp, White Rock, and Speckled Sussex. (some of these pics are indoors on carpet, during puppy's "chicken time" to train him how to behave around...
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