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  1. Troop1379

    Heat wave

    I just put the pool in the coop and they are just looking at it. Going to check on them in a few I put some water in to freeze to use tomorrow. I just hope they are going to be ok
  2. Troop1379

    Heat wave

    Thanks I am going to try the pool and the ice. I have a little pool they might like. They will only eat corn so i will make it cold and give to them
  3. Troop1379

    Heat wave

    I live in Virginia and the heat has been crazy here. Today with the heat index it is going to be 110 to 115. I have 6 chickens and they are about 11 weeks old. I have a fan in the coop with them and water in bowls to they can drink. What else can I do to keep them cool. I can't bring them inside...
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