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  1. surfingdevil

    MALLORCA, SPAIN - (anyone welcome)

    I have a thread going in the breeds section here. But no-one has come up with anything concrete yet. I keep thinking the cockerel looks like a light sussex (comparison pic below) This is a pic I downloaded fromthe internet for comparison. The leg colour is different but everything...
  2. surfingdevil

    MALLORCA, SPAIN - (anyone welcome)

    Hi Pensionista, sorry for the delay in replying, been a little busy with things of late. I have no idea what chickens I keep, they are from here in Mallorca, as far as breed is concerned I have yet to discover! My hens are about ready to start laying, however, I think that as we are into...
  3. surfingdevil

    MALLORCA, SPAIN - (anyone welcome)

    Hi everyone, Is anyone from Mallorca? or living in Mallorca?? There must be someone. Keeping chickens & poultry seems to be different here as the climate is different. Would love to know where you are and what you keep. I look forward to hearing from anyone.
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