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  1. fowl farm

    Injured Duck

    How long should it take before Fish can hold her wing normally? It will have been 2 weeks Sunday and she still can't hold it right. I'll post pictures when the computer will work, but could that hint at some other problem? Otherwise she has healed fine. She's eating normally and is out of risk...
  2. fowl farm

    Injured Duck

    Well, it was a opossum! I went out and set the live trap by the chicken coop and stood around waiting for my brother to set the other, blissfully unaware of anything. I heard rustling and thought it was the chickens..until i heard it at my feet. Assuming it was a toad, I was NOT prepared for the...
  3. fowl farm

    Injured Duck

    Figured as much, but like I've said a lot, just wanted to make sure! I'm a newbie and would rather keep my mistakes at minimum Makes me feel bad about picking her up, though. Poor stiff ducky!
  4. fowl farm

    Injured Duck

    Fish's wing is really stiff, to the point were she can't bend it very well. Considering the way she used it the morning we found her I don't think it's broken, but should I worry?
  5. fowl farm

    Injured Duck

    Whatever the white blob was, it came off and left a somewhat tender looking wound, but it looks like what a healing wound should look like.
  6. fowl farm

    Injured Duck

    Thanks, Miss Lydia. I've come to the conclusion that life would be easier if the birds realized we were helping them
  7. fowl farm

    Injured Duck

    What's the difference between triple antibiotic ointment and others? Is there something I need to avoid when using it? My ducks are normally housed, but I let Fish go broody for fear she would pick somewhere even farther away to lay and go broody and I wouldn't be able to find her. I'm thankful...
  8. fowl farm

    Injured Duck

    Triple antibiotic ointment on her legs? Can do! I'm also happy to report that 6 of her eggs were rescued, are alive, and should hatch in a week!
  9. fowl farm

    Injured Duck

    The only water she has in her crate is a dog dish full of vinegar water. Do I need to give her more? I plan give her a bath twice a day so she can bathe and exercise her leg (don't want it to get stiff). Here are some pictures, so you can tell me what to do! Her wing- Here's a shot of her good...
  10. fowl farm

    Injured Duck

    Fish seems to be enjoying her bath.. I think. I got a look at her leg, which had a bite, and it looks like it has a white scab? Otherwise, it just seems to be broken feathers and some scratches. I'll try to post a picture of her hurt wing, in case it's broken. She had a bite on the back of her...
  11. fowl farm

    Injured Duck

    Well, she was drinking this morning. I gave her more water with sugar and vinegar, because she likes it. I have yet to give her a bath, because she was really stressed out last night. I plan on doing it this morning.
  12. fowl farm

    Injured Duck

    Alright. I'll bring her in and put her in the laundry room for the night. Is there anything I can give her to help prevent infection in addition to a bath and such?
  13. fowl farm

    Injured Duck

    She's currently outside in a dog crate, covered with a tarp. I'm worried about moving her because it really stresses her out. I'll just have to deal with it, won't I? And so will she. She keeps hissing at me when I come close.
  14. fowl farm

    Injured Duck

    We had something over her, but apparently it wasn't enough. I was worried about feathers that had broken off and where bleeding. Is that an issue? Also, what if she won't drink? Wait until she does?
  15. fowl farm

    Injured Duck

    This morning I went out and found Fish, my broody duck, sitting in the front landscaping by the house. I was confused because she doesn't usually come out that early. I quickly discovered she was hurt. She came to me for food, but limped, and one wing looked broken, but, thankfully, it isn't. A...
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