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  1. 1MrsMagoo

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    I have one trio of standard WL Reds out of Brent Bryan's lines. The male just made one year and isn't too bad a bird. He is a bit too dark overall and lacks distinctive lacing. Also, he could be a bit wider with his legs set a bit further apart. He lost a few tail feathers in the photo below...
  2. 1MrsMagoo

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    Very informative: Thank you very much. I think I very much need to invest in the book you referenced above! I guess the best way to figure out if the sires are free of it would be get a couple of correctly colored hens and individually mate them with each male to see what I get. I wish I had...
  3. 1MrsMagoo

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    I have a small flock of Red Dorkings out of Dick Horstman's lines. Great birds, but very skiddish and hard to get decent photos of them. All the birds have the fifth toe, short legs, broad bodies and turned one year old this week: I have three males and one female. All the males have decent to...
  4. 1MrsMagoo

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    That is the only thing I could surmise that had happened: He just likes the Orange birds. Thank you very much for your comment: I really do appreciate it!
  5. 1MrsMagoo

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    That is what I thought, so have no idea what the judge saw in him? It was a small show (the club's first), but their were some VERY good Rhode Islands and Barred Rocks that have won other shows in the region there. I was at a complete loss as to why the judge placed him above those birds.
  6. 1MrsMagoo

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    I am so glad you have decided to review. I have a few questions about a particular New Hampshire I would like to address. I recently participated in my first show and entered the Cock bird pictured below. I had three males to choose from, and picked this one because of his body width and tail...
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