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  1. BGMatt

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    Sorry if I came off as a harsh correction Mr. Leonard, or disrespectful. Certainly not my intent. And yes I do own a standard, study it a couple hours a day so that one day I can hope to have even close to the amount of knowledge you do. Looking at it again this morning there is a ton of...
  2. BGMatt

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    Clarification? Many (most?) sections call for slightly v-shaped barring. Off the top of my head its only the breast, main tail, primaries and secondaries that require straight barring, correct? I will try to get posed pictures next day or so along with close ups. As far as weight goes, I...
  3. BGMatt

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    I'll be first to take a swing at Campines This is my pullet. This picture is 4 months of age. She needs better pencilling in tail and front of neck (I will get better photos and current ones this week as well as weights) I like her body shape and tail angle. The cockerel, again happy with...
  4. BGMatt

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    That's a great thing. Hopefully many of them stick with it.
  5. BGMatt

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    Sorry, tired and misread it. I thought it was directly specifically to the Orpingtons. My apologies Walt.
  6. BGMatt

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    Walt isn't the same true of most breeds though? They go backward in the hands of 95% of the people who have them? Although the Orpingtons are the fad now so it's more jarring.
  7. BGMatt

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    I also agree with this not having a set number. it depends on how fast you want to improve. You can hatch low numbers and as long as you're producing better stock than the parents you will slowly improve. If you hatch large numbers and keep very few you will improve faster. There is no...
  8. BGMatt

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    Walt, since I'm a curious type, I can't help but wonder what other breeds/varieties are in the acceptance process? And how close are these said breeds and varieties if you can share that info?
  9. BGMatt

    CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

    Just catching up on this thread, and as I looked through the Buckeye photos I was wondering, to my eyes it looks like with very few exceptions (one being the cockerel cgmcary posted and Walt liked) it seems like the vast majority of them have either flat backs like RIR's or backs that rise to...
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