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  1. HenHacienda

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    What is that color called?? Silver Pencil or?? Did you guys see the updated picture of my Birchen Brahma boy?? How about some feeback? This picture I had posted a while back, everyone thought he had a straight comb and vulture I will post it on here again.......sorry for the...
  2. HenHacienda

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    Thankyou, he's 5 months. He's supposed to be a birchen Brahma, but I was thinking he kinda looks like the pics you posted. Though names of colors are different in other countries
  3. HenHacienda

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    This is a current picture of my birchen Brahma, I had posted before a while back, but he sure has grown, what do you guys think?
  4. HenHacienda

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    Here is an updated picture of my birchen Brahma boy I posti over a month ago, he's growing like a weed
  5. HenHacienda

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    This is actually a Breda Fowl, but if you look at the stiff feathers on it's legs those are Vulture hocks.
  6. HenHacienda

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    I call mine "Papi" hahahaa he's still a cockerel
  7. HenHacienda

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    Thanks for sharing. How old is your cockerel? I can't imagine people confusing a cochin with a Brahma. The Cochin shorter and stocky. Brahma is more elongated--but thats just my opinion. lol
  8. HenHacienda

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    Have you ever tried using the It almost looks like my Silver Ameraucanas. She's very puuuuurrrrrrrdddddyyyyyy. Lol Maybe a buff crossed with a partridge or Silver pencil
  9. HenHacienda

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    here is a picture of my Brahma's comb (I think I will call him "bambam" ) hahahaha
  10. HenHacienda

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    Well the Cochin was used to create the English Orpingtons, this is why some still may have feathered legs. The breeder Sells his birds on RBA as "brahma2010" I believe thats his user name on RBA and he sells both breeds English Orpingtons and Brahmas. His Name is Dani Morales and he's in South...
  11. HenHacienda

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    Thankyou for the information. I will try to post a better picture of his comb. It looks like it has 3 small bumps in the front, then a bit of a space then 3 more. lol I understand there are only certain colors that are "recognized" by the APA, but that doesn't mean others don't exist. This...
  12. HenHacienda

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    He's actually pure Birchen Brahma , the other eggs I hatched him with are pure English Orpington Spangle/Mottle, the Brahma egg happen to get caught up in my batch of English Orp eggs, when I saw he was born with feathers on his legs I contacted the breeder immediately --I knew he had to be a...
  13. HenHacienda

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    I know what you mean. The same type of feathers that Breda Fowl have. I took a closer look and they're are alot of feathers but they are soft/fluffy feathering. Is that a no no for Brahma? Is there something wrong with his comb? He's only 3 months old and still has a lot of growing. He's...
  14. HenHacienda

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    Hi All, I recently had a Brahma Egg Stowaway with my English Opingtons eggs, then breeder send in error. He also breeds beautiful Brahmas (Dan Powell lines) this is my handsome Cockerel that I ended up with. Well, I think he's handsome. Not sure if he's "politically Correct" so if someone...
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