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  1. Jryan18

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    I am not an expert but I would say the first is a pullet, the second cockerel purely on the difference in feathering, the first appearing to have way more feathers. Also the patterning on the first is correct for a female the second one doesn't really have enough feathers to say much about the...
  2. Jryan18

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    thought you might enjoy my ten new puff balls, light Brahmas about a week old now
  3. Jryan18

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    Do you disagree that there is some buff coloring showing through or is this something you see occasionally with darks, I have not seen that before.
  4. Jryan18

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    I would agree the cock is probably a dark Brahma. If I am seeing it correctly that the hem has some brown/tanish coloring then I would assume she is some kind of mix, a dark hen should be silver based with black penciling so I am guessing she is mixed possibly with a buff brahma, but I am no...
  5. Jryan18

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    this was very helpful.
  6. Jryan18

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    I would guess pullet from the wings the last rooster I raised from day old I don't remember it having such a distinct pattern on its wings(that could change with age). My roosters wings had very few patterned wings feather when they came in they were mostly black.
  7. Jryan18

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    Yes we are close enough 1 1/2hr but I work that day.
  8. Jryan18

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    Yeah I was unsure but I seem to remember at a very young age compared to other breeds or even the same breed different colors, that the rooster is so distinctively different it was pretty easy to tell.
  9. Jryan18

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    How much feathering does it have, if you post a pic I or someone else might be able toe tell you now.
  10. Jryan18

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    Speaking of dark brahma roosters, I was just going to see if anyone on her had one the might want to get rid of in the York/Harrisburg PA area?
  11. Jryan18

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    These are my dark brahma's two hens and cockerel, they are awesome birds very docile. They follow me around when feeding and have no problem allowing me to pick them up.
  12. Jryan18

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    MY Brahmas were already a week old when i read it so that is when i did, I don't think age really matters because I imagine this is something they would maintain as they grow. I have done it three times with each and always get the same result so I hope it is accurate.
  13. Jryan18

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    In another group I follow a lady said that she has had about a 94% accuracy by flipping them(not brahma specific) on there backs, if they pull their legs in they are a pullet, if one or both legs are held out away from the body (more aggressive posture) rooster. again not specific but she has...
  14. Jryan18

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    I was wondering if anyone on here has dark Brahma hatching eggs(preferably), I live in central PA. would be willing to have eggs shipped to me but would prefer to pick them up if possible.v
  15. Jryan18

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    believe those are lights but in my limited experience, our light hens have always been almost completely yellow and the roosters(we have only had two) both had the black coloring on their backs and heads.
  16. Jryan18

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    Thank you but for right now I am not interested. I love the "non traditional" color Brahmas but we Ave them in part for my daughter to be able to show them. I will keep you in mind if we decide to get a couple.
  17. Jryan18

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    Hello all, I was wondering if anyone here had light Brahma hatching eggs available. we live in central PA, but if you were willing to ship could do it that way as well. we lost 8 of our 10 light Brahma's to a predator attack and would like to give hatching a try. we had gotten our previous...
  18. Jryan18

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    I haven't posted here before but had a question. We had 15 light brahma's, most are from hatcheries some are about 9 mo and some are about 16 weeks. We also have or had two a hen and a rooster that we bought from a women that shows them, when we bought them we didn't really ask how old they...
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