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  1. iheartquail

    My coturnix quail ONLY want to eat bird seed!

    This is helpful because yes, I do want to give them a diet as close to their natural diet as possible. I also forgot to add, I feed them dried mealworms which they love eating. And I sometimes add in oyster shell and grit. They don't always seem to eat that though.
  2. iheartquail

    My coturnix quail ONLY want to eat bird seed!

    Is it BAD for them? Or just not optimal for egg laying?
  3. iheartquail

    My coturnix quail ONLY want to eat bird seed!

    I have 8 coturnix quail and I feed them high protein crumbles and to make it interesting, I started giving them wild bird seed mix. Now they ONLY want to eat that! They barely touch the crumbles. Does wild bird seed mix give them enough nutrition so that it won't adversely affect their health?
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