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  1. justrain

    The Incubator Thread

    I have been lucky with a 100% hatch rate in 4 different hatches in two different incubators and in all cases I've smelled the faint rotten egg smell in the last few days prior to hatch date. Maybe my nose is slightly more sensitive?
  2. justrain

    The Incubator Thread

    I've noticed that my incubator gets stinky (like rotten egg) near hatch date even with all good eggs. In my experience, the smell has never been intolerable, but it has been noticeable, and is usually just noticeable when I get close to the incubator. Even a couple feet away from it I cannot...
  3. justrain

    The Incubator Thread

    It's easy for me to tell you to start over because they aren't my eggs. If you really are at 14 days you should at least be able to detect an opaque/black dot about 1/4" or greater in diameter (with or without veining). If you cannot detect even a dot within the egg then there's nothing there...
  4. justrain

    The Incubator Thread

    From the angle of the photo it appears that those eggs are not developing at all; if the photo was taken from above (since the embryo floats to the top) then we could say a little better. This is one of my Pekin eggs at 7 days so your eggs should have something more in them than this as they are...
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