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  1. dutchbunny83


    Mine have been staying in there covered runs coming out maybe an hour a day while I'm out there, and there are still hawks hovering over my yard! I won't let our kitten out there because I'm afraid they'll come get him. Our other cat is 20lbs I think he could take on a hawk haha
  2. dutchbunny83


    Are you putting netting over the top? Because they should be able to get out of that. We had 5ft wood pallets as a pen once and they'd get right over it. (Not trying to discourage your plans, sounds like a great solution! You may just need to chase them back in there)
  3. dutchbunny83


    Mine hang out year round, though if I'm not mistaken they are categorized as migratory birds as far as hunting is concerned, so maybe some do?
  4. dutchbunny83


    You can look further into it, but (at least in NC) it's a heavy fine if you get caught shooting one. I've never tried to CD's but I know people that swear by it. The birds don't like the light reflecting off it messes with their eyes and they stay away.
  5. dutchbunny83


    Haha touche! I've never hung cd's, but I've heard from fellow local BYC'ers that it really does keep them away?
  6. dutchbunny83


    My next door neighbors have 13 dogs (that I've seen!) We're both on 1/3 acre lots in town and have fully enclosed yards. The way the houses are set up, ours are 20 feet apart on one side, then on the other side we both have a lot more room between the next house, they're not centered on the...
  7. dutchbunny83


    I see where you're coming from. I love all animals. But I am a cat person for many reasons (mainly being my cat is awesome!) I know some people will probably have some negative thoughts about me from this, but my son kept begging for a dog. So we went and got a black lab/ beagle mix from the...
  8. dutchbunny83


    It's funny down here if they CALL for snow (which usually never materializes) they CLOSE the schools! And come the next morning there's nothing there. Growing up there had to be a lot on the ground then at like 6am you get the 1 hr late, then they change it to 2 hours late. Haha we were never so...
  9. dutchbunny83


    carrie-- nice set up!
  10. dutchbunny83


    Tulsa-- It's crazy hot here too! I've never seen a hawk carry off a chicken they usually hang out and eat them up. With my turkey poults there were feathers, the spine from 2 (all that was left), and 1 with its guts hanging out still alive when we got the hawk away that we had to cull. Ms...
  11. dutchbunny83


    I don't know, I'm in southern NC now and never had chickens up in Maryland. You may need to reenforce it better than I did. We don't get snow every year, and when we do it's one light dusting that's gone in a couple hours. We've been here for 5 years and only once have we had "real" snow-- it...
  12. dutchbunny83


    Hawks are brutal! They will attack animals bigger to them and with their beak & talons they can shred them up in seconds. I'm glad you were there and able to chase him off. Unfortunately once they know where there is food they will most likely be back, so you will need a cover. Lowe's sells...
  13. dutchbunny83


  14. dutchbunny83


    That would be my guess. I couldn't figure out why all the sudden I had hawks in my yard and a more experienced BYC'er told me it was because they were attracted to white. Which made sense because I never had all white chicks before. There was a slight gap from where I connected the bird netting...
  15. dutchbunny83


    I hate hawks. We had chickens for a year, and none ever really bothered them. Then we got day old white turkey poults and a hawk came and started ripping them apart. I had to cover all my runs in bird netting, and I've never had a problem since. I only let them free range when I am outside...
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