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  1. Frundette

    Lost Scout

    "There's always a choice," Aelfric said, glancing at the key. "And if you pick that one, maybe I'll choose to split you open 'fore they get here. Or maybe if you keep your mouth shut, you can live to show me a safe way out of here."
  2. Frundette

    Lost Scout

    Laethros grunted as the sudden movement jerked his swollen leg. "Errrhhh," he gritted his teeth, sucking in a few pained breaths through his clenched teeth. "Phhewwww, that was a close one," he said after a few moments. "Sorry about that, lass."
  3. Frundette

    Lost Scout

    "None of your concern," Aelfric snarled, taking the chance while Gomez was sputtering to pull the knife from his boot. He pressed the cook's blade to Gomez' wrist. "You waste any more time and I'll be leaving your carcass for one of those miserable animals." -- As the pair made their way up...
  4. Frundette

    Lost Scout

    Laethros draped his arm over her shoulder, leaning heavily on her as the pair started up the trail. And after the exhausting trek from the day before and no chance to wash up, he smelled almost as bad as one of the orcs. "You just stay on the cliff wall side," he said, feeling her slight...
  5. Frundette

    Lost Scout

    Leathros clenched his teeth and hobbled the few steps toward the bottom of the trail up the side. "You'll have to lend me your shoulder, I think..." he said, not believing he could traverse the climb without her help. -- Aelfric had many a long hour staring at that key hanging on the wall...
  6. Frundette

    Lost Scout

    Aelfric didn't bother forming a retort, focusing instead on tightening his fingers around Gomez's throat even more, fully intending to keep squeezing until the disgusting creature lost that horrible smirk permanently. If this failed, if Gomez managed to escape his grasp, he figured he was as...
  7. Frundette

    Lost Scout

    Aelfric kept his grip tight as he lifted upwards, trying to bring Gomez to his toes, though his range of motion was very limited by the bars of the cage. "****face," he spat, "you're gonna open the cage door or that ugly mouth of yours will never utter another lie."
  8. Frundette

    Lost Scout

    "Agreed," said Charles. He glanced at Anwir as the man apologized, unintentionally letting a scowl cross his face as he caught the man's eye. "We must make all haste to make up for lost time..."
  9. Frundette

    Lost Scout

    It was risky. The disgusting creature was just barely in the range Aelfric thought he could reach, but there may be no better chance. Most of the orcs seemed to be gone and even the cook was no where to be seen. As Gomez leaned closer, Aelfric shed the bindings and shoved his hands through...
  10. Frundette

    Lost Scout

    As they rode, Charles debated what to do. But he could not think of a way to alert David to Anwir's involvement with the orcs without outing himself as well. And so he said nothing as they took Branwen's Cutoff and cursed himself for not petitioning Lord Octa for a weapon. He kept his...
  11. Frundette

    Lost Scout

    Aelfric scowled, not sure if he wanted Gomez's statement to be true or not. Either way, he wanted nothing more than to wipe that disgusting smirk off the creature's face. "What do you want?" he asked, stepping close to the bars of the cage. If Gomez would but step just a few inches closer...
  12. Frundette

    Lost Scout

    Aelfric grimaced slightly as he lifted his head, which had been slumped onto his shoulder as he slept, leaving it stiff and sore. Mentally, he checked the bindings on his wrists without looking at his hands. They had loosened slightly while he slept, but not much. Perfect to ditch the...
  13. Frundette

    Lost Scout

    Laethros opened his eyes again as Anna returned with the skinned and gutted rabbit. "Well, that sure looks a bit more appealing than the hill behind me," he commented, not anxious to get started. He was still pondering what he would do when they reached the top. He took no pleasure in the...
  14. Frundette

    Lost Scout

    Lord Octa readily agreed to shelter the men for the remainder of the night, as well as granted permission for Charles and David to take fresh horses on to Camden come morning, then summoned a servant to take them to comfortable quarters. -- During the night, Aelfric slept fitfully. Either...
  15. Frundette

    Lost Scout

    Octa took the sealed letter, squinting in the candle light at the seal stamped into the wax. Finding it appeared genuine, the lord broke the wax and opened the letter, squinting and holding it at arms length as he tried to read Ragnar's text. "Ragnar is wise to want to deal with this threat...
  16. Frundette

    Lost Scout

    Catching David's expectant glance, Charles cleared his throat and glanced between Lord Octa and Anwir. He stepped forward to allow his injuries to be seen. "It's true, Lord. I barely escaped them myself," he said, trying to keep his lie as simple and as close to the truth as possible. "They...
  17. Frundette

    Lost Scout

    The three men were left waiting for almost a half hour before Lord Octa finally entered the room through the door which Gunnar had left. Gunnar and another of Lord Octa's trusted men followed close behind. "I am told you bring urgent news from Aberdeen?" he said, wasting no time with...
  18. Frundette

    Lost Scout

    The steps took the men up only about 10 feet to a large wooden door, which Gunnar pushed open without ceremony. "If you'll wait here, I'll have one of Lord Octa's servants rouse him," Gunnar told them as they entered a large hall, dark and deserted at this hour. He then hurried away, past the...
  19. Frundette

    Lost Scout

    The heavy doors closed again once the three men were inside. "Fair enough, I suppose," Gunnar, the man leading them, said. He took them past a long row of homes and store fronts and toward an inner fortress that sat close to the river. A moat ran around the entire fortress, but as Wedmor...
  20. Frundette

    Lost Scout

    The gatekeeper hesitated only a moment longer. "Wait here," he said, then closed the small pop door, sliding the bolt back in place. He was gone for some minutes, long enough that the men outside might begin to wonder if he was really coming back. But then the heavy bar was lifted and the...
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