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  1. StarrNico

    Lost Scout

    Anna swallowed and tightened her grip on his belt, closing her eyes finally. She was trembling yet couldn't make herself turn away from the view of the dropoff now in front of them. Inside she was screaming and cussing, yet she made no sound that could be heard by him. When she didn't see the...
  2. StarrNico

    Lost Scout

    Anna couldn't help but scream a little at the sudden movement and instinctively pulled to keep them both from falling. She caught his weight and her own, bringing them both to stand against the wall. That caused her to look down the cliff and she stopped breathing for a moment as fear took hold...
  3. StarrNico

    Lost Scout

    Anna looked to him then to the trail. She nodded but remained silent as they started up the trail, moving along it to reach the top. She was eager to be done with cliffs in general and hoped that once this was past she would not have to see one ever again. She did not tell him that looking up it...
  4. StarrNico

    Lost Scout

    Anna closed her eyes and took a deep breath before going to his side and putting an arm around his back. There was already a sleight trembling that he would be able to feel wherever their bodies touched simply from the thought of climbing the cliff. She was determined to get past it though. I t...
  5. StarrNico

    Lost Scout

    Anna glanced to the cliff they had to climb and sighed then looked to Leanthros "Alright, let's get going" ~~~ David led the way back to the trail then turned to follow it to the pass. Once on the main road he glanced to the others "Let's pick up the pace" He said and turned forward, nudging...
  6. StarrNico

    Lost Scout

    David nodded "Yes" He said and mounted up once they were out of the pass and back in the forest. Looking around he waited for them to get out of the pass and mount up before urging his horse along the trail. He was not happy with the situation as it was and didn't want any more delays
  7. StarrNico

    Lost Scout

    David let the reins drop to ground tie the stallion then moved past Anwir to the blockage to look it over. Inside he was cursing the delay, but on the outside he seemed calm and unfazed. He looked to the cliff and climbed a little to see over the blockage and to the other side. Determining that...
  8. StarrNico

    Lost Scout

    David looked to the path then nodded and dismounted his horse, holding the reins . He glanced to Charles then back to Anwir "Lead on" He said and moved to follow him down the path, his eyes travelling along the mountainsides as they rose above the group. He had no reason not to believe the man...
  9. StarrNico

    Lost Scout

    David looked to the trail then to Aniwin and Charles. He looked to the main road again then to the overgrown path "This had better be faster" He said and turned his horse tot he path with a sigh.
  10. StarrNico

    Lost Scout

    David looked to Anwir with a confused look then looked to the road ahead again. After a while he nodded "Speed is important to this mission" He said then looked to Charles before looking to Anwin again and motioning ahead "Lead the way then"
  11. StarrNico

    Lost Scout

    "When I go, I usually take Half Peak Pass." David replied and shrugged, looking ahead of them as they left Wedmore. He looked to Anwir, then to Charles then back to the road ahead "It is easiest." He finished the thought and urged his horse to a trot. That was the most traveled road into and out...
  12. StarrNico

    Lost Scout

    David smiled at Terrowin and dipped his head in thanks. "And in yours, Terrowin." He said and turned his horse to leave the stables after glancing to Anwir and Charles to be sure they were ready to head out. He was quiet as they made their way to the gate to be let out onto the road again. ~~~...
  13. StarrNico

    Lost Scout

    David glanced to him then looked back to his horse "If your Lord is alright with it" He answered then pushed the stallions head away from the cinch with a 'tut' sound. He finished putting the saddle on then led the stallion out of the stall and looked to Charles and Anwir and nodded. He had no...
  14. StarrNico

    Lost Scout

    Anna put the rabbit on a stick and put it over the fire to cook. She let a small smile touch her lips then glanced to the cliff and away, nodding "That it does. We will need energy to climb that thing." She said then moved to the river to wash her hands and the skull of the rabbit. When she came...
  15. StarrNico

    Lost Scout

    David got up in the early morning light and headed to get something to eat from the kitchens. He went to check on his horse and see if the stallion would be ready for travel again with only a few hours of rest. He knew it might be wiser to take a fresher horse, but preferred his own, personally...
  16. StarrNico

    Lost Scout

    "Thank you, my Lord" David said simply and turned to follow the servant to his quarters for the remainder of the night. He would check on his horse when they were allowed to leave and see if the stallion could travel onward in the morning. ~~~ Anna startled awake at the noise he made and...
  17. StarrNico

    Lost Scout

    DDavid glanced at Charles and wondered if the man would say anything, he had supposedly just escaped the orcs and would have first hand information about them. Being one of the scouts for Lord Ragnar, he should speak up, and try to help. He looked back to Lord Octa, his thoughts taking a new...
  18. StarrNico

    Lost Scout

    David followed Terrowin quietly. He glanced to Charles then back ahead to the door, waiting on the Lord to be roused. He wondered if he would send help to Aberdeen also and if he would be able to reach the next town without anything else happening along the way
  19. StarrNico

    Lost Scout

    David helped Charles down then dismounted and looked to Terrowin. He waited for the other man to go before following him.
  20. StarrNico

    Lost Scout

    David shrugged and looked to Terrowin "Lord Ragnar thought it important and urgent enough to send us both to save time, I will be leaving once dawn comes to keep going." He answered
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