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  1. Boichik86

    Giving up on Free Ranging.... Baaahhhh!!!

    I'm sure having 35 acres helps a great deal! :) I think it may also help that you have turkeys around. I find that my chickens are considerably bolder when they have the turk's muscle to back 'em up. I have also eliminated hawk attacks by keeping my two toms around my chooks. They even...
  2. Boichik86

    Giving up on Free Ranging.... Baaahhhh!!!

    Try building a hoop house chicken tractor. Its way cheaper/easier than a permanent coop, its portable, your chooks get fresh grass every time you move it, and you can let them out to free range under your supervision. You can build nest boxes for it, put wheels on it, it can be as elaborate or...
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