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  1. Paul Martinek

    Octagonal Run and Coop

    Thank you. I'm pleased that you like it. It wasn't all that difficult to construct, just time consuming. Coastal Farm and Ranch have just a coop (insulated) that is smaller than the one I built and they want $999 for it. I built a larger (insulated coop) and the octagonal run and all the...
  2. Paul Martinek

    Octagonal Run and Coop

    Yeah, that's an idea but we wanted them to get the sunlight, even though the coop/run has a pint tree canopy. I'll consider your idea. Thank you.
  3. Paul Martinek

    Octagonal Run and Coop

    Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I would be complimented if others thought well enough of my design to duplicate it. Estimate about $750 for materials. Thanks for the heads up on locking the girls up at night. I think I'll do that from now on. I'd love to not have to climb up there...
  4. Paul Martinek

    Octagonal Run and Coop

    A hogan, eh? Here in Oregon it's been likened to a Yurt.
  5. Paul Martinek

    Octagonal Run and Coop

    Thanks for the compliment... The run/coop is set on a concrete pad that the previous home owners installed, probably for a hot tub. We purchase pine shavings (+$7.50 a bag) and it goes a long way. 1-1/2 bags will cover the area about 4" deep. By the way, do not use cedar shavings. I was told...
  6. Paul Martinek

    Octagonal Run and Coop

    Yeah, I'm resigned to the fact that I may have to replace the screen with hardware cloth. In the meantime, a motion detector with alarm will have to suffice. Thanks for the heads up though.
  7. Paul Martinek

    Octagonal Run and Coop

    The roofing material is metal screen for a number of reasons: 1) It's all that's necessary to keep the girls from flying over the fencing (we don't clip their wings) 2) It's easier to work with than hardware cloth since it can be cut with scissors 3) The mesh is fine enough to keep the debris...
  8. Paul Martinek

    Octagonal Run and Coop

    Yes, 4'-0". The sides are 5'-0" high and the center point is 8'-0" high.
  9. Paul Martinek

    Octagonal Run and Coop

    We just completed this suburban octagonal run and coop. Total cost of materials was $750. Labor was free...since I built it. If you'd like to build something similar, you can contact me to find out the problems I overcame.
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