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  1. Gertrude McFuzz

    ♚ House of Delacroix - A Historical RP

    After snapping a shocked gaze towards Ambrose, Domi gave Charles a small, sad smile, "It's only been a month since he died. It may take a while." "You are not king yet, and Lord willing, you'll grow a brain and a sense of responsibility by then." Amandine snapped, bristling. (Heck yeah!)...
  2. Gertrude McFuzz

    ♚ House of Delacroix - A Historical RP

    "Oh?" said Domi, "I apologize. How so?" (If I were in a higher position than Ambrose, I'd smack him upside the head for that attitude.) "That chair is not meant for little boys to pretend they are kings. You should be too old for such childish games and behavior, and yet an infant would have...
  3. Gertrude McFuzz

    ♚ House of Delacroix - A Historical RP

    Amandine arched one eyebrow at his entrance, but said nothing. It's not like he'll listen to me. Of course, when Mother comes, he'll be permitted to stay, spoiled little devil that she's made him into. I can't tell if he's her lap dog, or if she's his. Oh, fie on the brat, thought Amandine with...
  4. Gertrude McFuzz

    ♚ House of Delacroix - A Historical RP

    "I am well," Domi lied pleasantly, "And you?" (All I have at the moment, sorry.)
  5. Gertrude McFuzz

    ♚ House of Delacroix - A Historical RP

    Amandine's returning nod was perhaps a little crisp. Emmett, along with being a loyalist, was, after all, an eligible bachelor, and she'd been a touch frosty towards those since she'd started worrying about being married off. Domi's smile and nod were more genuine than Amandine's.
  6. Gertrude McFuzz

    ♚ House of Delacroix - A Historical RP

    (Just kidding around. XD) (Huzzah!) Amandine, resplendent in a burgundy robe a l'anglaise, glided to her seat at the table, giving the black-clad Dominique a smile and nod and noting with interest that her father was absent. Domi, still in mourning, gave Amandine a small smile in return, then...
  7. Gertrude McFuzz

    ♚ House of Delacroix - A Historical RP

    (Explain yourself…You have altogether four RPers; you stated the above; And you have not started this RP.) (Plus a little action on this thread is likely going to get more to join.) (Are you still reading this? You are not still reading this, right? You're starting the RP, right?) (RIGHT!?!)
  8. Gertrude McFuzz

    ♚ House of Delacroix - A Historical RP

    (Hey Arroz, you didn't specify where Domi was from. {You said that would be your job, right?})
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