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  1. Debbk

    Molting, dander/dandruff, listlessness, decreased eating and drinking, no eggs

    I'm happy to report that my girls appear to be fine this morning!!! They were eager to get out of the tractor and are happily foraging now. They are also making their cute content sounds. I don't know what changed, but these are not the same chicken we had last night! :) Thanks for your help!
  2. Debbk

    Molting, dander/dandruff, listlessness, decreased eating and drinking, no eggs

    Oh dear! Having chickens can be "fun"! LOL! There is so much to learn... I just now saw the rest of your first post about your chickens and the mouse poison, We will keep that in mind. Guess I'll be checking poo tomorrow am!
  3. Debbk

    Molting, dander/dandruff, listlessness, decreased eating and drinking, no eggs

    Is there an easy way to tell if they have worms? And where would I buy Valbazen? This is our first flock and the first 'issue' we've had with them. Thanks for all the help! :)
  4. Debbk

    Molting, dander/dandruff, listlessness, decreased eating and drinking, no eggs

    That would be wonderful! How long does that usually last? I don't remember it taking so long before.
  5. Debbk

    Molting, dander/dandruff, listlessness, decreased eating and drinking, no eggs

    This is my first post to BYC. Thank goodness we have such an excellent resource! We have had four chickens for a year and a half. They are in a tractor at night, free roaming during the day. A month ago two went missing within a week of each other. They never came back at night and we've...
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