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  1. bobbi-j

    Begging for helps with cats

    I agree - an attorney if you can afford it, and the media for sure. That stinks! The garbage can idea sounds more pleasant than drowning, although you're goign to have a frantic cat or two in your garbage can until the CO2 kicks in. You're going to have to do something. RichnSteph - I'm...
  2. bobbi-j

    Begging for helps with cats

    I did read your suggestion - it was to trap and take them to a shelter. OP had already said that they would have to pay to leave them there, and she was dealing with 15-20 cats, so that was cost prohibitive. I agree that poisoning is a terrible way for an animal to die, and I never once...
  3. bobbi-j

    Begging for helps with cats

    And what would you suggest? OP doesn't have a gun or access to one. They would be charged for dropping off the animals at a shelter - more than they could afford. What's your next suggestion? Please - read the whole thread before judging and then only if you have a better idea.
  4. bobbi-j

    Begging for helps with cats

    Apparently, neither are these. They seem to be feral cats. While cats are domesticated to some extent, these are not anyone's pets. They have been abandoned and left to starve. You are right - it is less than acceptable. But as I stated before, if the OP had NO other options, it's still faster...
  5. bobbi-j

    Begging for helps with cats

    I'll have to admit - I don't know if I could do it, either. It would be hard for sure. Have the police, animal control or ASPCA given you any helpful suggestions as to how to get rid of them? If you aren't comfortable with drowning them, I'd suggest to keep calling and keep asking them to either...
  6. bobbi-j

    Begging for helps with cats

    My thought was to put the whole cage in the water. The only problem I see with this is someone potentially turning you in for animal cruelty. Good for you for wanting to be a good neighbor and not dump your problem on someone else (I wasn't exactly serious about that, anyway - just thinking that...
  7. bobbi-j

    Begging for helps with cats

    OK, I know I'm going to take hits for this, but here goes: you could get a live trap and drown each cat you catch. (You'll need a barrel or deep tub of some sort) Yep, drowning is not the fastest, most humane way to kill them, but it's still quicker, and probably more painless than starving to...
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