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  1. FuzzyCountry

    ~*★~Banished a Wolf RP~*★~ Players Needed!!! ~*★~

    Shadow smiled and followed Tikanni. - Tikanni followed the tracks until they got to a valley, then he crouched hiding in the grass knowing whatever it was was close.
  2. FuzzyCountry

    ~*★~Banished a Wolf RP~*★~ Players Needed!!! ~*★~

    (Sorry I haven't been on. I've been busy.) "No there not wolf. They look more like a strange hoof. Let's follow them." Tikanni said.
  3. FuzzyCountry

    ~*★~Banished a Wolf RP~*★~ Players Needed!!! ~*★~

    Tikanni searchef some more and found some strange prints in the dirt that looked like tracks. "I think these are tracks." He said,.
  4. FuzzyCountry

    ~*★~Banished a Wolf RP~*★~ Players Needed!!! ~*★~

    Tikanni sighed and kept looking. "If there's nothing here we're going to have to move on." He said.
  5. FuzzyCountry

    ~*★~Banished a Wolf RP~*★~ Players Needed!!! ~*★~

    "I agree lets keep moving." Tikanni said starting to sniff for prey again. Tikanni searched and searched but he found nothing. "Any luck?"he asked the pack discouraged.
  6. FuzzyCountry

    ~*★~Banished a Wolf RP~*★~ Players Needed!!! ~*★~

    Tikanni stared at it as it flew away. "What was that?" He asked.
  7. FuzzyCountry

    ~*★~Banished a Wolf RP~*★~ Players Needed!!! ~*★~

    Shadow though she smelled something in a bush so she walked over to investigate. She had never smelled something like this before. She walked over and looked in the bush when suddenly a strange bird jumped out of the bush and flew away.
  8. FuzzyCountry

    ~*★~Banished a Wolf RP~*★~ Players Needed!!! ~*★~

    Tikanni started out into the new world sniffing the ground for traces of prey but there was nothing he new as prey.
  9. FuzzyCountry

    ~*★~Banished a Wolf RP~*★~ Players Needed!!! ~*★~

    Shadow smiled and followed Tikanni exited to go exploring in the new land.
  10. FuzzyCountry

    ~*★~Banished a Wolf RP~*★~ Players Needed!!! ~*★~

    "Whenever we meet, we'll meet here." Tikanni said. Shadow walked around scanning the area. "We need to go hunting. Some of the wolves are getting so weak they can barley walk."Shadow said. "Alright everyone that's coming to hunt follow me. Everyone else stay in the caves until we get back."...
  11. FuzzyCountry

    ~*★~Banished a Wolf RP~*★~ Players Needed!!! ~*★~

    Tikanni waited for the others to show up. Then he said,"This is going to be our new camp."
  12. FuzzyCountry

    ~*★~Banished a Wolf RP~*★~ Players Needed!!! ~*★~

    Tikanni smiled and said, "Alright lets let the others know about the clearing." Then he howled again for the pack and waited.
  13. FuzzyCountry

    ~*★~Banished a Wolf RP~*★~ Players Needed!!! ~*★~

    Tikanni walked into the cave to look around. Then he started looking for there camp area. Just a little bit from the cave there was a clearing. He thought this would work perfect so he howled for the others. (The clearing)
  14. FuzzyCountry

    ~*★~Banished a Wolf RP~*★~ Players Needed!!! ~*★~

    Tikanni walked along the edge of the cliff for only a little bit before finding a large cave. "Do you like it Willow?"he asked.
  15. FuzzyCountry

    ~*★~Banished a Wolf RP~*★~ Players Needed!!! ~*★~

    "Alright but it can't be too far away." Tikanni said.
  16. FuzzyCountry

    ~*★~Banished a Wolf RP~*★~ Players Needed!!! ~*★~

    Tikanni carefully walked through the thick brush towards the cliff.
  17. FuzzyCountry

    ~*★~Banished a Wolf RP~*★~ Players Needed!!! ~*★~

    Tikanni walked down into the new land. These woods were thicker than any he had seen and the plants were bigger. "Stay together. These woods are thick."Tikanni said walking towards a distant cliff.
  18. FuzzyCountry

    ~*★~Banished a Wolf RP~*★~ Players Needed!!! ~*★~

    "Alright lets move on and find our new den."Tikanni said.
  19. FuzzyCountry

    ~*★~Banished a Wolf RP~*★~ Players Needed!!! ~*★~

    (Sure, We have enough players.) Tikanni turned to the pack and happily said "Welcome to our new home."
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