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  1. jdgbirds31

    Give up free-ranging?

    A chicken just showed up out of nowhere!! Woo hoo! Trying decide now if I should still get a guinea for the guinea. I decided they will just have to live w limited/supervised free ranging.
  2. jdgbirds31

    Give up free-ranging?

    Anyone have some advice about what to do with my sole surviving guinea? I finally got him back in the coop/run. I was thinking I wouldn't get any more guineas in the next flock so that if we keep them in a run more I won't have to worry about them going crazy, since they really are a free...
  3. jdgbirds31

    Give up free-ranging?

    Yup I had orpingtons and they were docile as could be. Would a 3 foot fence keep a fox out? Maybe I'll do ameracaunas... We have hot summers and cold winters here in VA.
  4. jdgbirds31

    Give up free-ranging?

    Yeah I just saw a big red fox out back looking for leftovers. I guess I'll be penning the new flock and only doing supervised free ranging. And getting a rooster.
  5. jdgbirds31

    Give up free-ranging?

    I came home this afternoon from being out of town (with the dog) and all but 1 guinea are gone. There are tracks and piles of feathers in the snow. I feel terrible.
  6. jdgbirds31

    Give up free-ranging?

    I feel the same way about the free-ranging... Does having other livestock help? I was thinking of getting goats next year.
  7. jdgbirds31

    Give up free-ranging?

    Haha - Yes the guineas are totally loud. In fact a rooster probably wouldn't be as bad... especially compared to the 4 of them. Any advice on introducing a new (young) rooster into the group?
  8. jdgbirds31

    Give up free-ranging?

    I got the guineas in hopes of them playing the rooster role without the crowing, but perhaps I should consider one. I actually raised these birds fr chicks and was planning to get more chicks to replenish, so at a couple bucks a chick I'm not worried about the money, I just hate serving them up...
  9. jdgbirds31

    Give up free-ranging?

    We started in the spring with 4 chickens and 4 guineas... Made it all through the summer and most of the fall with no problems, but since thanksgiving we have lost 2 guineas and 1 chicken. The first 2 just disappeared (1 hen, 1 guinea) but today my husband found a dead guinea with what appeared...
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