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  1. Shaela

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    congrats to everyone on your eggs! Our white leghorn (about 20ish weeks) laid her first egg two days ago and another one today. Still no more little brown eggs though... can't wait to start getting eggs consistently!
  2. Shaela

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    Yes, the "sure signs" that chickens are getting ready to lay are that their combs and wattles will get big and bright red, and they will start doing the "submissive squat". My girls haven't been doing the squat, but their combs and wattles have been big and red for a few weeks, and today we got...
  3. Shaela

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    I just posted yesterday that the anticipation was killing me, but today was the day! Our first egg!! Here is some info for other anticipaters: this is from our 18ish week old Rhode Island Red. Her comb and wattle have been big and red for about 3-4 weeks. No squatting (I checked them all...
  4. Shaela

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    I have 5, 18 week old pullets but no eggs. My two Rhode island reds have big, bright red combs and wattles, have for a couple weeks, but nothing yet. I have fake eggs in the nest boxes and check everyday, I want eggs so bad! I'll be furious if I don't get any in the next month, lol
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