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  1. BadgerHill


    FlySammyJ, All I have are mutt crosses. Otherwise I would spot you some eggs! Next year I should have both amaracaunas and Marans as well as welsummers and crested cream Legbars. Sadly they are babies now. Have fun picking from shiptons or tractor supply!
  2. BadgerHill


    Hey PrairieRidge I am north of billings, that makes us neighbors! I wish I had room for some of your extras. As it is I need remake some culling choices too. Darn chicken math! It's great to meet others in the area.
  3. BadgerHill


    That's awesome! I have my timer and lights out, just haven't had the time to go hang them. Such great ideas here. I have some wheat sprouting for the girls too. Can't wait to see their happy dance when they see green!
  4. BadgerHill


    Wow I am impressed! That's a big bunch of chicks. I would have gotten tired of them in the basement too. I would love some hatching tips:) my hatch this fall was with shipped eggs, kinda a failure. I had trouble with humidity. I think wood burning stoves make things way too dry inside our house...
  5. BadgerHill


    It's on the forum. The 5th annual New Year's Day hatch along. So much good info on hatching there. :)
  6. BadgerHill


    Anyone doing the New Year's Day hatch? I really would like to, but after this week the thought of brooding chicks through January is a bit daunting. I'm in for valentines day tho!
  7. BadgerHill


    Wow 18 inches! We are a bit north of Billings and struggle with 12 inches. I hope it settles fast for you. It is tough on the livestock for sure. My hubby is out till noon every day just getting feed to them all. Ain't Montana grand! At least we will go into spring with good moisture :) Stay...
  8. BadgerHill


  9. BadgerHill


    We seem to be having a "snow event" too. 8 inches and still falling. Chickens are happy tho, and I too am not opening the door for them. It will only let in drafts and colder air so I don't see any advantage. I do :(feel sorry for our cattle, first a drenching rain, then plunging temps and snow...
  10. BadgerHill


    Just checking in, we are located somewhat north of Billings. I can't believe I didn't know about BYC till now. I am looking forward to reading this thread!
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