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  1. 3riverschick

    Greenfire Farms Chick Survival Rate

    Hi, If the chick is this weak it is also too weak to digest the helps you are giving. Weakness and stress make it hard to uptake the helps. Try giving the little one some Poultry Nutri-Drops. Great stuff, I have used it for years on my Light Sussex and collies. It is a top flight emergency...
  2. 3riverschick

    Greenfire Farms Chick Survival Rate

    "Rarity is also a bit of a misnomer in some cases so I like to call them 'boutique' chickens." That's hysterical! couldn't have put it better myself. What a visual image! Best, Karen
  3. 3riverschick

    Greenfire Farms Chick Survival Rate

    Could it be your water? Are you on well water which may have something in it which doesn't bother humans but harms chicks? Best, Karen
  4. 3riverschick

    Greenfire Farms Chick Survival Rate

    Wow, what a mess. I am so sorry for your losses. Maybe these chicks just can't stand the stress of shipping? Maybe they are getting chilled from being wet from the Gro gel? I have never had that problem with shipping chicks with Gro-gel. I used Gro gel Plus. But I never put it in cups or...
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