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  1. AmyLynn2374

    candling THEN shipped?

    '6 Purebred First Prize Winninh Ayam Cemani Hatching Eggs. These are not Hybrid, Selectively Culled for Standard Conformence. All Organic Diet with fresh Fruit & Vegetables Daily. Fertility Verified too assure Maximum Hatching Rates. Breeders from GreenFire Farm, & Smithsonian Genetics. SHOW...
  2. AmyLynn2374

    candling THEN shipped?

    You can't collect eggs and candle for fertility. The only way that you can candle for fertility is if they were incubated and they show development, then you know that they were fertile because they are developing. BUT that does not mean that an egg that does not develope wasn't fertile either...
  3. AmyLynn2374

    candling THEN shipped?

    I'm kinda confused what you are talking about. What were they candling if they were fresh eggs?? You can' tell fertility (in an unincubated egg) by candling. Are they preincubating them?
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