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  1. Andyjohn

    2 month old Easter Eggers being jerks.

    Yes, you are correct they’re from Ohio! My friend showed chickens in Indiana and I think my brain confused the stories! You think it’s cockerel and a pullet? But they both look like Easter Eggers?
  2. Andyjohn

    2 month old Easter Eggers being jerks.

    So this is where I get confused about the Easter Eggers. Any research about the breed says it’s a mixed breed. I’ve found hundreds of pictures online that have different looking Easter Eggers. Granted, I got them from tractor supply, do you think they would be that wrong about the breed /...
  3. Andyjohn

    2 month old Easter Eggers being jerks.

    Everyone seems super happy! I have plenty of perches for them and the spread out nicely when they want too. They’re not very big birds yet.
  4. Andyjohn

    2 month old Easter Eggers being jerks.

    Also, three of those guys are silkies. And I may be down a bird if in fact my Easter egger is a cockerel.
  5. Andyjohn

    2 month old Easter Eggers being jerks.

    Thank you! This is a temporary enclosure. It will be used for the next several weeks before they make their way outside to the big coop. This is the 3rd stage brooder box. Everyone is roughly 2 months old. I have several perches inside and some things for them to climb on and hop about...
  6. Andyjohn

    2 month old Easter Eggers being jerks.

    Here’s some better pics of them side by side.
  7. Andyjohn

    2 month old Easter Eggers being jerks.

    Oh no! That’s what I get for TSC birds I guess lol.
  8. Andyjohn

    2 month old Easter Eggers being jerks.

    Well, those two came from TSC, so supposedly they are sexed 🤷🏻‍♂️. Not sure how to tell yet. One has tail feathers, the other hasn’t sprouted any (if that means anything at all)
  9. Andyjohn

    2 month old Easter Eggers being jerks.

    Sorry, this is the best I have at the moment!
  10. Andyjohn

    2 month old Easter Eggers being jerks.

    Hey I have two Easter Eggers, they’re about two months old, so they currently still look like little raptors lol. They’re kind of being jerks. When I walk into their 4 x 6 enclosure they’ll go after my hand and peck quite aggressively. Their 8 sisters (different breeds) don’t do this. It’s...
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