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  1. AxolotlLove

    BYC parrot and parakeet club

    They are housed together in a giant cage and only because they've been together since they were little and Lyndsey was ripping her feathers out from loneliness. They have a choice of food they want, and they get fruits and veggies. The rosella is just really mean and untrainable...
  2. AxolotlLove

    BYC parrot and parakeet club

    Bonjour! I have a lavender rosella, a teal pied parakeet and a canary. Just wondering... Why my rosella breaks everything! She tears apart all the toys and poor Lyndsey (parakeet) never gets to play. Tippi (rosella) even throws food and knocks over the water. Any suggestions? They already have a...
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