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    Coyotes :(

    I've been emailed your reply, I won't post it. But I saw nothing wrong with it. I agreed 100% I wish you wouldn't have deleted it.

    Coyotes :(

    I said there will be people who won't like this approach. Protecting the homestead is priority one at any cost. Some of us are boonsville survivors and some of are urban survivors. There's a big difference.

    Coyotes :(

    Exactly. The wife had the stupid idea that she could keep a momma cat, and six youngins up here in the high desert. I'm not having 7 cats and a dog in the house. I told her it couldn't be done. Within a week, they were all coyote poop. If they get near my birds, all hell is headed their way.

    Coyotes :(

    I've never done it. Then again, I'm not a big fan of hanging out all night on the roof with a rifle. I'm just sayin' this is one way to dispatch of the problem.

    Coyotes :(

    Most folks probably won't like this post. This was taught to me by a South African gentleman. Go to your local fishing supply, or if you're a good metal worker/smith, either build or buy the biggest treble hook you can find. Build some kind of tripod out of steel, or wood. Make it sturdy as...
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