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    Pricing for whole chickens

    I wonder if a reverse air cannon might not do the job?

    Pricing for whole chickens

    I watched a zillion plucker vids the other day. I'm a little miffed at myself for taking apart an old washing machine just for the drum for an outside firepit.

    Pricing for whole chickens

    All of your points are considered, and worthwhile. I'm not crazy about processing wildlife, although I can do it. I've done a deer, a few ducks, a couple of rabbits, and of course fish. I've never done a chicken, but it can't be far from a duck. All of the flocks I've had, I eventually gave away...

    Pricing for whole chickens

    We have a bunch of neighbors who also live off the grid above us. I know at least one couple who raises chickens for eggs but not meat. He told me he might be interested in meat birds. He's the hunter type of person, so I'm sure he could clean his own bird. The things I'm thinking are these. A...

    Pricing for whole chickens

    I'm thinking about setting up a second coop for some of those fast growing meat birds. I haven't decided on a breed yet, but I've seen MM offer some that are ready really quickly. What can a person charge for a whole bird per pound? How about dressed verses undressed? Is it even worth it for...
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