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  1. BarnyardChaos

    My new feeders and waterers :)

    For feed, I just keep track of when and how much feed I purchase to fill their feed barrels to the top. Then when I need to buy feed again, I note how much feed was needed to fill the barrels to the top again, and how many weeks have passed since I last filled them. I divide the amount of feed...
  2. BarnyardChaos

    My new feeders and waterers :)

    Well, it's complicated, but I need to look at my numbers anyway, so thank you for asking. Let's see...... At the moment I have about 55-60 chickens, not sure - I haven't taken a hard head count in a couple of months. And I've raised 120 or so chicks this spring and bought 5 more nearly mature...
  3. BarnyardChaos

    My new feeders and waterers :)

    and now for an update: After using these feeders and waterers for four months now, I am ambivalent about their usefulness. I like the waterers: and will continue to use them, except in winter when I'll go back to the typical containers that can sit on a heated base and keep the water from...
  4. BarnyardChaos

    My new feeders and waterers :)

    @Mouthpear, the pics were viewable when I first posted the thread back in April. I'm clueless about what happened to them, as they are unviewable to me now, too. Below, I'm going to re- try adding them in again so you can see:
  5. BarnyardChaos

    My new feeders and waterers :)

    Well... tomorrow and the next day and the next came and went. And that crafty, sly, determined raccoon and I have been going round and round since that last post above. I have declared WAR, and he's been up to the challenge. I tried adding a second nail to each port. Didn't even slow him down...
  6. BarnyardChaos

    My new feeders and waterers :)

    I haven't had to empty dust from the totes yet, as I've only been using them for a few weeks. When I used the metal feeder troughs only, I just left the dust in the bottom and filled on top of it, stirring it up with my fingers. When the dust built up too much, I dumped it all into one feeder...
  7. BarnyardChaos

    My new feeders and waterers :)

    You're welcome :) I have found over the last few weeks that this system of feeding does generate a lot of feed dust in the bottom of the tote. Before refilling the totes, I run my hand under each of the ports to clear dust and let the crumbles flow under. They still eat it, but I can see having...
  8. BarnyardChaos

    My new feeders and waterers :)

    That photo was yesterday. The raccoon came back, with a whole bunch of his buddies and they had a party! What I found this morning, at BOTH feeders: Enough is enough! I FIXED IT with a cordless drill and a few nails. They hadn't bothered the feeder in the cockerels' camp yet, but I'm sure...
  9. BarnyardChaos

    My new feeders and waterers :)

    Supposed to be rodent-proof. NOT. What I found this morning:
  10. BarnyardChaos

    My new feeders and waterers :)

    UPDATE: After a couple of weeks of using this port-type feeder, I have mixed feelings. While I love that it's low maintenance once filled, the birds are making a BIG MESS. The ports are supposed to keep food IN the tote, but they don't. I don't know if my birds are just extremely messy eaters or...
  11. BarnyardChaos

    My new feeders and waterers :)

    I actually plan to transition to a PVC system with a 50-gal plastic drum when we move this summer, and I have to set up three new coops and runs. In winter, I'll just have to revert to traditional waterers and heated bases I think.
  12. BarnyardChaos

    My new feeders and waterers :)

    Mark, they look great and should work fine for young birds. I have found that my roosters with single combs won't use the port feeders, though. I keep a feeder trough out for them. One rooster has a rose comb, and he does fine. I have one feeder tote with 3-inch ports, same size as yours - and...
  13. BarnyardChaos

    My new feeders and waterers :)

    I've just been using a rag to wipe them out, and a pitcher of water to rinse.
  14. BarnyardChaos

    My new feeders and waterers :)

    Much better!!! I think I see the same plastic knobs that the cups pivot on, but I LOVE that RentaCoop is an American company, started by just a couple of chicken enthusiasts. The cups are pricier, but I plan to order the same set you have for another waterer, and will compare the quality...
  15. BarnyardChaos

    My new feeders and waterers :)

    From Amazon: After a couple of weeks of use, I've noticed some issues: - They all loosened up and started to leak a bit, because the chickens knocked them around a little bit. Once turned sideways a...
  16. BarnyardChaos

    My new feeders and waterers :)

    Update: The tote I used for the feeders DOES hold 100 lbs. of feed. It kind of mounds up a bit, but the lid has cavity space so it fits over it very nicely, and not too full. Capacity: 82...
  17. BarnyardChaos

    My new feeders and waterers :)

    Yes, it's a bit of a bother to close the ports every night and open them every morning - but not nearly so bothersome as filling and dragging four trough feeders in and out of the coop twice a day. I didn't want a treadle feeder because of raccoons and opossums, both of which get into our run...
  18. BarnyardChaos

    My new feeders and waterers :) There were several designs on Amazon, many with caps to close the ports, and come with the hole saw as well. I had bought a different set, 3-1/2" diameter, and discovered it is TOO SMALL for my roosters...
  19. BarnyardChaos

    My new feeders and waterers :)

    Yes, I think it would be. At least I hope so. I don't know how determined they are to chew through the tote, or smart enough to chew a cap off.
  20. BarnyardChaos

    My new feeders and waterers :)

    I've never tried the nipples. I do have a small set, and may set that up for one of the chick brooder/coops. I've just heard how they leak and drip, so I've been skeptical.
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