1. Debbie292d

    Please help! I can’t tell if my eggs are”Mules”, if my Pekin mated with my Muscovy. When should lockdown be? & I’m scared about the dent as well! 😩

    They poke their head through the air sack so maybe that's what you saw, an internal pip or the duck is repositioning getting ready to pip. They should be hatching today, right? We'll want pictures!!
  2. Debbie292d

    Please help! I can’t tell if my eggs are”Mules”, if my Pekin mated with my Muscovy. When should lockdown be? & I’m scared about the dent as well! 😩

    They should be in lockdown now. You'll find out what you've got in just a few days. Hope you have a great hatch!
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