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  1. Dingo

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    Congrats to the winners! Just thought I'd update, of the 7 tester eggs, one died early, one died before pipping and 5 hatched. Last chick needed help, has a crooked beak and what I can only equate to a cleft palate. Otherwise it seems fine though.
  2. Dingo

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    2 testers are out and a third one has pipped
  3. Dingo

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    Thanks. I had set forty something quail eggs, of them only 2/3 were fertile. All of the infertile eggs came from one colony. I paired the hens from that colony with another rooster to test their fertility. These eggs show the girls are fertile so my rooster is a dud. I'll probly replace him with...
  4. Dingo

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    Tester eggs are hatching! One little yellow cot is out, another egg is pipped.
  5. Dingo

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    Since we're sharing pics. The teaser chicks are growing up. Babs, the one in the foreground I believe is a cockerel. Sleepy, this one had me worried for a few days, all she did was sleep. I'm hoping these four are pullets.
  6. Dingo

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    I usually moisten a cleaning rag with some dish detergent, go back over it with another moist rag then wipe it down with a Clorox wipe. I figure if I can close it for a day and it smells clean it's gotta be good enough. Congratz on all the hatching everyone! I'm still waiting on my tester quail...
  7. Dingo

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    she's so fluffy!
  8. Dingo

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    I only wash if they're very dirty, a little poo wont hurt any, and usually falls off by the time they're ready to hatch.
  9. Dingo

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    Those are some awesome odds for ebay eggs!
  10. Dingo

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    Cute english whites Melissa Rose. I did a final count today during cleaning, after losing the weak one today I have 7 chickens and 23 coturnix quail. The OEGB are spunky little birds, and one of the wyandottes thinks she can fly already.
  11. Dingo

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    Well since we're talking ameraucana colors.. granted mine didn't come from mrheinz but maybe someone will be able to tell. All three of them look the same. Back and face Face and belly
  12. Dingo

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    Someone has to build up the excitement of hatchday! Oh yea, here's a video I took of them today, mostly the chickens but the quail make a few appearances. The ending with the OEGB is cute!
  13. Dingo

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    They seem to be doing good today. The quail that hatched with it's yolk unabsorbed is struggling a little though. I've been giving it nutracal hoping to get some calories and stregnth in it. Here's another teaser pic, the last chicken that hatched last night, a little wyandotte snuggles with...
  14. Dingo

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    I used some plastic silverware things about the same size as yours. I didn't make a cage with them though, so now the hardware cloth rack now has a 4x4 hole in it cause the quail managed to fall through... ETA; I have 3 more pips. 2 wyandottes and another ameraucana. I lost a couple more quail...
  15. Dingo

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    I wouldn't worry too much about the emu eggs, I recall mine spiking to 102 a few times. Are they start to rock?
  16. Dingo

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    Teaser pics! Tibetan chick OEG banty Ameraucana chick
  17. Dingo

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    Seems to be doing good. It was weak when it came out so it's a wait and see, we've been pumping the nutracal and save-a-chick into it. I lost count of the quail, I think there's 24 out, a couple that have pipped and one that died after zipping, never got out of the egg. I had helped one that...
  18. Dingo

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    Zipping like crazy, 17 quail out, 3 chickens so far, at least 4 more quail just need to push.
  19. Dingo

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    Sometimes they can hatch on their own, but this one doesn't seem to have any way to move inside the egg, so I'll be slowly helping the chick. One chick is out, the first ameraucana that pipped earlier this morning, zipped and hatched in maybe 30 mins. The quail are dancing around but no one is...
  20. Dingo

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    You could use egg cartons, I know some people here hatch in them, one the humidity is stable they shouldn't cause sudden drops or anything, and I've never had them become soggy or anything from humidity. I wish I could leave mine closed, I have one that pipped the wrong end and can't really move.
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