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  1. GardenerGal

    To Worm or Not? And, Piperazine dosage for bantams?

    I just noticed this old thread has taken on a life of its own! Great that it is being so helpful to so many; I know it was very useful to me when such knowledgeable people answered my original questions. And it's funny, because I just started a round of Ivermectin treatment today for worms...
  2. GardenerGal

    To Worm or Not? And, Piperazine dosage for bantams?

    Quote: That's a good question. Maybe threehorses could address it! My thought is that hot weather will make the chickens drink more water, so if you're treating via drinking water it would possibly affect the size of the dosage they get or the length of time the medicated water is provided...
  3. GardenerGal

    To Worm or Not? And, Piperazine dosage for bantams?

    Yes, I'm getting myself on the ball for worming twice a year. Shame on me for being lax in that area. And I keep waterfowl, too, so all the more reason to keep an eye on the chickens since there is always mud around when you have ducks and geese; who knows what the ducks and geese track into the...
  4. GardenerGal

    To Worm or Not? And, Piperazine dosage for bantams?

    It's funny, but back in my fossil brain, I seem to remember my old poultry science books saying to never try to kill a large worm infestation all at once because it could kill the host. But maybe I just think I remember. Once you get into middle age, it all becomes a blur. ;D Your cogent...
  5. GardenerGal

    To Worm or Not? And, Piperazine dosage for bantams?

    Thanks ddawn. This is a wonderful thread. What would we do without 'net resources like BYC, and the knowledgeable people who contribute? I'd have to pull out my old poultry science texts, which are -ahem- a little out of date when it comes to meds and technology. Quote:
  6. GardenerGal

    To Worm or Not? And, Piperazine dosage for bantams?

    What you've written makes total sense, and so clearly written. The information on why -not- to kill a large infestation is extremely useful, and something I had not considered. Maybe it was a case of denial on my part that my precious flock could have a major infestation in the first place...
  7. GardenerGal

    To Worm or Not? And, Piperazine dosage for bantams?

    Thank you for that thorough information and your thoughts, ThreeHorses. It's enormously helpful. I've had chickens most of my life and this is the first time I've seen a worm come from them. It wasn't actually in a dropping; it was a full-sized 3" round worm deposited without feces. There was no...
  8. GardenerGal

    To Worm or Not? And, Piperazine dosage for bantams?

    I've kept bantam chickens for years without any signs of worms, but today for the first time I found a mature large-roundworm and its eggs on a roost in the coop - one of the chickens had pooped it out. So obviously there is a worm population though I try to keep the barn and run clean and dry...
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