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  1. JChipowsky

    How long before trying to incubate?

    Thank you. My girls really give me some beautiful eggs. We ended up putting 12 eggs in the incubator on 3/5 They started piping last Sunday, and were all hatched out by Tuesday afternoon. We got 10 chicks and 2 bad eggs. A really good hatch rate for a "junk" incubator.
  2. JChipowsky

    How long before trying to incubate?

    We've incubated eggs before. We just collected them from the in-laws. These will just be the first we incubate out of our own hens.
  3. JChipowsky

    How long before trying to incubate?

    Thank you. Our girls have been doing pretty well, only one egg with no shell. Most eggs seem about the appropriate size for the breeds we have. I'm just so excited, it's hard to wait 😆
  4. JChipowsky

    How long before trying to incubate?

    My hens just started laying in January, some are not yet laying but should be soon. We have a mixed flock of Crested cream legbars, brahmas, midnight majesty marans and Easter eggers. We want to incubate just the cream legbar eggs to start with, since our roo is also a cream legbar and we...
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