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  1. JaeG

    Active poultry photo contest

    Thought this contest needed more entries (and I spend way too much time taking photos of chicks not to share some). Our little black (or maybe really dark blue) Orpington chick (I'm thinking its a boy) having a dust bath on the (rather wet) gravel driveway. Here is our old Nana of a...
  2. JaeG

    Active poultry photo contest

    We indulged our broody bantam and gave her some newly hatched Orpington chicks. She is loving being a Mum again (but will probably have had enough by week 5). They are so funny and climb all over her much more than the bantam chicks ever did. I've managed to get a couple of action shots of...
  3. JaeG

    Active poultry photo contest

    Thank you! He kinda broke our hearts turning into a boy! We hatched some bantam eggs under our broody bantams 3 months ago and he was our first chick to hatch, hatching at the same time as my new niece was born, so we really wanted to keep him. He was also a cross (the breeder I got the eggs...
  4. JaeG

    Active poultry photo contest

    Billy Button testing out his wings at a month old.
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