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  1. JayColli

    Clan Mating System Convertible Coop

    Wing bands are something I hadn't even thought about and I was really not looking forward to the constant rebanding! Going to be looking into it.
  2. JayColli

    Clan Mating System Convertible Coop

    Haha good analogy! I can see how all those pens would fill up rather quickly. Wish I had the space for a setup like that, would make things much easier for breeding. Do the breeding pens have wire bottoms? In your breeding plan how many chicks do you try and hatch per pullet/hen? Hope you...
  3. JayColli

    Clan Mating System Convertible Coop

    I've gotten the spurs a few times but luckily it was in the ankle while I was wearing insulated rubber boots - getting it right in the head would be painful! Looking forward to seeing the breeding pens if you can remember to snap a few pictures. The more I think about about the intricacies of...
  4. JayColli

    Clan Mating System Convertible Coop

    I had considered hog panel hoop coops held together with zip ties that could be disassembled to lay flat up in the barn rafters for the majority of the year. I took stock of my "flexspace" on the property and while I could likely squeeze in a 2-week "breeding season" on the ole' meat bird...
  5. JayColli

    Clan Mating System Convertible Coop

    @ejcrist I re-read the thread and did some research, which lead me to realize I misunderstood the difference between sprial vs line and clan vs single. I can definitely see the benefit in using a sprial breeding scheme with single pairings and I've concluded that I'll be taking this route as...
  6. JayColli

    Clan Mating System Convertible Coop

    Thanks again for the reply @ejcrist you've given me something to think about in regards to my breeding strategy. Had something sketched up that I was going to upload but I think I'll rework it a bit before doing so. Regarding spiral vs. line breeding, the extra chicks may be a good thing as the...
  7. JayColli

    Clan Mating System Convertible Coop

    @ejcrist Thanks for sharing your build! I have a couple questions for you. How many pullets/hens are you keeping per pen for breeding and are you following the 4 sq.ft. per chook in the coop at 10 sq.ft. In the run? Are you putting up visual barriers between the runs? I'm not going to be able...
  8. JayColli

    Clan Mating System Convertible Coop

    Does anyone have an example of a coop that can be equally divided into 3 pens for temporary use as a set of clan mating coops for a few weeks in the spring before being opened up into one large coop again? I want to be able to run a clan mating scheme within a single flock - 3 roosters and...
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