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  1. Jensownzoo

    ~1 week old chick especially sleepy and pasty

    Yeah, I have a lifetime supply too...and I didn't even need it! Just included it in my emergency kit. Newspaper is too slippery, but paper towels work well. I use them for the first week so I can see what the droppings look like. Yes, I look at poop a lot. If the supplement says change...
  2. Jensownzoo

    ~1 week old chick especially sleepy and pasty

    See if they carry Poultry Nutri-drench specifically if you can. If not, then you can make due with what they have in stock. Yogurt is a nice treat, but the probiotic supplements are much more concentrated sources of the good bacteria. If you want them to eat the yogurt, try sprinkling the top...
  3. Jensownzoo

    ~1 week old chick especially sleepy and pasty

    There are different types of chick vaccinations. The most common is Marek's, although one for coccidiosis is available. Might want to check to see which one)s) were potentially given. With treatment of a case of coccidiosis, the important thing to know is that most drugs are "coccidiostats"...
  4. Jensownzoo

    ~1 week old chick especially sleepy and pasty

    She's probably sleepier as a result of the diarrhea--not only is her body and immune system diverting her energy to fighting it, but in addition the diarrhea indicates that there's something abnormal going on in the digestive system (so she may not be able to absorb all the energy provided...
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