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  1. Kikwi

    California - Northern

    Wow, and I thought we had to drive pretty far for medical and we’re just an hour from Santa Rosa!
  2. Kikwi

    California - Northern

    I'll trade my luck for your luck. ;)
  3. Kikwi

    California - Northern

    I’ve posted the Cemani on CL, but it would be nice to keep them in the BYC family, so to speak.
  4. Kikwi

    California - Northern

    Last one for now. Pretty sure one of my Spitzhauben is a boy. Face is much redder than the other and he play fights the other boys. So far, I’m looking at rehoming four cockerels. This one is a Greenfire one too, 9 weeks.
  5. Kikwi

    California - Northern

    Not the best pic but the luster on the Cemani feathers are amazing!
  6. Kikwi

    California - Northern

    And another. Just spotted shiny new saddle feathers coming in. This one is a 9 week old Belgian Liege Fighter from Greenfire. He’s already a big boy and should grow to be rather large. He’s the darker one in the back. The ones in front are my Cemani roos also up for grabs.
  7. Kikwi

    California - Northern

    I seriously can’t believe that out of 17 chicks, I’m ending up with only 3-6 girls (jury’s still out on three of them)! :barnie
  8. Kikwi

    California - Northern

    Well, the boys just keep on coming! Looks like my last two Ayam Cemani are boys. They are so pretty, but I’ve got my roo picked out. The 9 week old is from Greenfire and the 14 week old from a breeder in Texas. The older one has some dark brown lacing on his cape, but otherwise black through and...
  9. Kikwi

    California - Northern

    Found a taker!! Yay!
  10. Kikwi

    California - Northern

    I’ve wondered the same! As a chick, he looked a lot like the black Swedish flower I had years ago. He does have some hidden white on his body.
  11. Kikwi

    California - Northern

    Rehoming Swedish flower cockerels! Well my luck ran out this year and we ended up with close to half a dozen boys. They are about 9 weeks old and super sweet. One will happily take a nap on your arm. They’re from Greenfire lines. I’m in Oakland and can meet up in Sacramento next weekend. Let me...
  12. Kikwi

    California - Northern

    Oh, thanks for asking (and Ron for the introduction)! I'm in Oakland near the Ashby bart station. If it's not close to you, I do have a couple friends who I know can reliably check on the food/water situation. If you are close and willing, PM me! Thanks so much either way. You guys are...
  13. Kikwi

    California - Northern

    You poor thing. I'm so sorry to hear about this. We're about to leave on a 3 week international trip, and despite arranging for a farm-girl type to take care of things, this experience has me worried! I hope your cousins come to understand the full consequences of their actions. Is there...
  14. Kikwi

    California - Northern

    x2!! So sorry for the loss. I have two daily reminders on my phone to lock up the girls in their run by dusk. After forgetting to close them up twice, I realized a proper alarm was necessary. I hope you can get some sleep tonight!
  15. Kikwi

    California - Northern

    Omg. It's beautiful... my Wellie's first egg. My first Wellie egg. Wow.
  16. Kikwi

    California - Northern

    Yay! My cream legbar finally started laying! 26 weeks, 5 days. :D
  17. Kikwi

    California - Northern

    We Happy to be of service. We went from back to front.
  18. Kikwi

    California - Northern

    In case you're still up for suggestions, in the class I took for humane chicken processing, we all used sharpened garden loppers. The man teaching the class had no hands, which is why we didn't use knives/hatchets. Secure the bird, position the loppers, one quick snap closed. Although the...
  19. Kikwi

    California - Northern

    Sweden is just chock-full (or should I say chook-full??) of interesting chicken breeds. On another note, I stumbled across some alarming info that oyster shell can have a high lead content! DH was telling me about an article he read, saying that some backyard eggs from highly urbanized...
  20. Kikwi

    California - Northern

    Even better!
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