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  1. Lacy Duckwing

    2 month old Easter Eggers being jerks.

    Yes, but for from TSC, they'd have more of an Ameruacana look. Plus, no two EEs look the same (though some have similar patterns), and both look the same. I've known people who got the wrong breed from TSC before, and I've gotten wrong breeds from other distributors, too. Getting the sex wrong...
  2. Lacy Duckwing

    2 month old Easter Eggers being jerks.

    In the bottom picture, the one on the right looks like a cockerel and the one on the left looks like a pullet and neither looks like an Easter Egger.
  3. Lacy Duckwing

    2 month old Easter Eggers being jerks.

    Do you know if they're cockerels? Cockerels can be aggressive sometimes, and get more aggressive with age. If they are pullets, they might be doing this in hopes of a treat. I've had a few chickens who'll peck hard for treats, and others, who will literally grab a price of skin on my hand and...
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