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  1. Lady of McCamley

    12 wk old Ameraucana Quechua Olmec mixes - Pullets or cockerels?

    Ha haa....yes, Punnett Square...can't spell and type at the same time. (I have trouble with that walking and chewing thing too.) Lady of McCamley
  2. Lady of McCamley

    12 wk old Ameraucana Quechua Olmec mixes - Pullets or cockerels?

    Yep punnets square, which is a visual representation created later by Punnet of Mendel's earlier inheritance work which was done with pea varieties...whatever we call it or reflect upon.. It's always amazed me how many combinations could quickly follow after the 1st generation. Lady of McCamley
  3. Lady of McCamley

    12 wk old Ameraucana Quechua Olmec mixes - Pullets or cockerels?

    They are cross breeds so it is a toss of the genetics who got what and thus who looks like what...remember your Mendel's pea table where 1/2 look like this; 1/4 look like this; 1/4 look like this...? You've got Ameraucanas, which often are mixed breed EE's, so you've got a lot of possibilities...
  4. Lady of McCamley

    12 wk old Ameraucana Quechua Olmec mixes - Pullets or cockerels?

    I think they both look like pullets too. BTW...what breed is the pretty buff in the background...with the neck ticking and tan lacing? Lady of McCamley
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