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  1. LotsOLopsChicks

    How did you add a dust bath to your brooder?

    Well I've got no place to crawl and their is NO WAY I am picking all the fertilizer pellets out lol. That'd take forever....haha. Maybe some play sand, but I'm also broke.. OH! Wait! I have sand in my chicken coop for them to dust in! I betcha I can use that! DUH!
  2. LotsOLopsChicks

    How did you add a dust bath to your brooder?

    I am adding a question: My chicks try to dust bath in the shavings, but it's winter here! (LOL) And the snow melt makes EVERYTHING wet- forget getting dirt from the yard! Cheap alternatives or free? I was thinking potting soil from a plant? Psstt don't tell Mom!
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