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  1. Mother-Hen-Michele

    White Geese or Swans to scare away Canada Geese?

    Maybe you could set up a camera and live-stream the geese. There is a way to set up a virtual tip-jar (ask someone younger than me how), maybe you can get donations to "help cover the costs" of the migratory bird sanctuary you've got going on. Or if you want to rent some rooms or allow camping...
  2. Mother-Hen-Michele

    White Geese or Swans to scare away Canada Geese?

    The kool-aide would be worse for your pond than the poo. That would definitely kill your fish and plantlife. I have ducks and when 'their' pond has too much poo/water volume I use a pump to remove some water (it is the best fertilizer you will ever find) and then either pump clean water into...
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