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  1. Ol Grey Mare


    A hen must be in a "broody" state to have any motherly inclinations -- it is often possible to get a broody hen to accept/adopt chick that are not hatched beneath her, but a non-broody hen will not see chicks as her's to mother, rather she will see them as intruders into her space and will treat...
  2. Ol Grey Mare


    That's okay, lots of folks are unsure what breeds they have. If you take some pictures and post them we can help you identify your birds. The young birds that are laying the small eggs will likely have larger eggs as they go, yes, when a bird first starts to lay the eggs are small. That being...
  3. Ol Grey Mare


    What breed(s) are your hens and are they large fowl or bantam?
  4. Ol Grey Mare


    Welcome to BYC! A general minimum guideline is 4 square feet inside the coop and 10 square feet in the run per bird -- this is in addition to the space occupied by feed/water stations, etc. Again, this is just a generality -- it is meant to keep most beginners from running into issues that can...
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