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  1. Ponypoor

    My husband bought these - what breed?

    A couple of the chicks seem to be having tufts appearing on their heads. Well now I am eager to see what the OPs pullets and my pullets grow into 😊
  2. Ponypoor

    My husband bought these - what breed?

    Yup - agreed, we no longer have TSC here - Peavey Mart bought them out. But they have dealt with Hoovers in the past so still do. Meanwhile we have a perfectly wonderful hatchery here (Freys) not a 2 hr drive away - and they DELIVER the chicks themselves on the dates, to the local Feed Mills...
  3. Ponypoor

    My husband bought these - what breed?

    Your best bet is to call the Feed Mill and ask them where they got the chicks on 'such and such' date. They likely get them from a local hatchery if there is one close-by, or from one like Hoovers Hatchery. If Hoovers I would say the blue's are their brand called Sapphire Gem or even a Prairie...
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