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  1. ShrekDawg


    Omg that is great!! And hey, a dog is a dog :P that is fantastic. I'd love to see a pic of the dog or video of her herding if you have it :D But yes, dogs are definitely useful particular him. And his bark is loud and intimidating and I'm pretty sure it carries really far but I've never...
  2. ShrekDawg


    Thanks for alll the tips and great suggestions everyone. And I know that we've moved on now & seem to have resolved it so I won't say too much on it but I do want to say that can we please try not to have any more arguments? It's fine to disagree/have disagreements but I just don't want the...
  3. ShrekDawg


    That does sound toasty, especially with the winter we will probably have this year :P Thanks for explaining it so well and calmly and not just yelling at me that I need to shoot them or whatever. Your reasoning does make a lot of sense and brings up things I never thought of. Like for...
  4. ShrekDawg


    That's very true, I never thought about it like that. I definitely love my birds more than any coon, they're pets in addition to being egg layers. Besides, I hear coons are nasty and mean once caught/in general. I think I'll definitely shoot it or at least trap it and call someone. And you're...
  5. ShrekDawg


    Okay actually turns out the season goes from like Nov 1 all the way to like January or February so that works out for me but then you're only allowed to use cage or box traps to trap them so that paw one wouldn't work and I think you need a **** permit... But I wonder if those same rules apply...
  6. ShrekDawg


    Apparently raccoons are an "important natural resource" and considered a furbearing species and there's a season for them :/
  7. ShrekDawg


    Thanks, I'll have to try that!! Either that or buy a live trap, a bit of a soft heart to kill it LOL but we'll see
  8. ShrekDawg


    Thanks, I think I'll do that but we were also thinking of possibly getting some of those corrugated plastic panels to put up on the new run or this one. For now we just put this welded wire gate thing Another piece of plywood and another ladder and locked them inside with both doors shut...
  9. ShrekDawg


    Hard to see with the netting squares and chain link, easy to see in person, but I think this is the hole. From below Basically they had just sort of separated the netting where it connected which as you can see is really close to the roof and an extremely close call. I think what saved them...
  10. ShrekDawg


    They've been sleeping on the roof since about May unless it's really cold or bad weather because I wasn't wanting to wake up really early to let them out but I think I might start locking them in at night. Right now even when I put them in, the front door is left open and that's when they...
  11. ShrekDawg


    I forgot about this semi important bit but my dad says they were already here once before last night. I forget exactly when but I had made a post about it then too, maybe a month or so ago? But we weren't sure it was raccoons then though, just that they were on the ground, off the roof, awake...
  12. ShrekDawg


    So Gator saved the chickens, yet again, last night. This time it was really **** close. He had started barking like crazy a little bit at around midnight so I came down but we couldn't see anything so all went back to bed. I wasn't asleep yet then but fell asleep shortly after going back...
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