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  1. Sigrid

    Icelandic Chickens

    Quote: Lukka must think she is a professional breeding machine. I have never known another hen like Lukka. It must be good living with you Mary. I enjoyed the tape.
  2. Sigrid

    Icelandic Chickens

    Quote: Beautiful! (and YOU posted it!) WE DID IT! SOME PEOPLE NEVER GIVE UP.
  3. Sigrid

    Icelandic Chickens

    Here is a picture from the bottom of Whale-fjord the following day when it was not as gloomy. Iceland is more or less treeless, except for a few places, clean and visibility is endless.
  4. Sigrid

    Icelandic Chickens

    Quote: It looks beautiful, the water and everything. I wonder if it's really windy there, as there are no trees. Yes it can be windy, especially when the arctic winds blow in the winter. However, the mountains provide some shelter depending on the direction of the wind. True, Iceland does...
  5. Sigrid

    Icelandic Chickens

    Quote: Kathy, comment on picture 4: You are right, this is the ocean, Hvalfjörður (Whale-fjord). It is a historical place from WW II when it sheltered a large contingent of the USA Naval fleet submarines, battleships and aircraft carriers supporting convoys in the North Atlantic. It is about...
  6. Sigrid

    Icelandic Chickens

    :Happy FOURTH of JULY to all BYC members from the LANDNÁMSHÆNA LAND of FIRE and ICE. Sigrid in Iceland
  7. Sigrid

    Icelandic Chickens

    Quote: King Magnús is a pain in the neck. He is obviously not a King in Lucy´s eyes. Mature hens get mad at those little punks until they have earned their status (king pin). The little punks are below their dignity. After all this, the movie is a masterpiece. Mary, you are either very...
  8. Sigrid

    Icelandic Chickens

  9. Sigrid

    Icelandic Chickens

    This picture is from the yearly Landnámshæna Show in Reykjavik. There will be more pictures to follow showing the differnt colors of the breed. Kolbrún´s rooster and hen won the top prices. They were Stáli and Öskubuska. Kolbrún is the lady who Lyle got his eggs from in 2003...
  10. Sigrid

    Icelandic Chickens

    Quote: Yes Kathy, blár is correct for blue (Masc., present tense). Blár changes grammatically in many ways. Icelandic grammar is complex. For instance ALL NOUNS have one of three 3 genders and many tenses and much more to give people gray hair, but you are all doing a great job. Just a few...
  11. Sigrid

    Icelandic Chickens

    Quote: Whatever name you end up with. Icelandic for sunshine is "Solskin". Sol is sun and skin is shine. "Sunna" also means sun. Sigrid
  12. Sigrid

    Icelandic Chickens

    Quote: I like your names. You are all so dedicated and it sounds like you are having fun picking names and trying your best. I would like to help a little with spelling of beauty, The Iclelandic version is Fegurð but in the English, Fegurd. We have to use a "d" on the end because the "ð" is...
  13. Sigrid

    Icelandic Chickens

    Quote: I love the names you picked and Birta and Sunna are out of this world, they are beautiful. And a little correction, hope it is OK. KOPPUR is a small vessel and a good name. It refers to something small. It is cute. Kappur is not a word but Kapp means eagerness or zeal. Kappi means hero...
  14. Sigrid

    Icelandic Chickens

    Quote: I love your curiosity about languages. I am like that too. I am forever looking for references on Icelandic words which I think have roots in Old English. I am usually right and I find it very interesting. Sigrid
  15. Sigrid

    Icelandic Chickens

    Quote: Sigrid, Thank you so much for posting this information. I have printed it out and added it to my Icelandic file. I remember Mary saying they were genetically different but 78% is dramatic. Indeed, we need to make sure none is lost by careless cross breeding. Letting nature take it's...
  16. Sigrid

    Icelandic Chickens

    Quote: Mary, you can post the picture anyway you want. Sigrid
  17. Sigrid

    Icelandic Chickens

    Hi to everyone on Icelandic BYC: We are having so much fun following you experiences. Some are a bit hillarious. I could not help laughing out loud when I saw Mary's picture of Victoria's Secret Model, Fredrika. Mary is so creative. I like the name "Buri"- very appropriate. Also Una meaning...
  18. Sigrid

    Icelandic Chickens

    Mary: It is so much fun to read your post and follow your project. You are doing a wonderful job, and it is nice to see your youngsters (inmates) grow up and some get to leave the premises. I am thrilled with your interest in finding Icelandic names for all the baby chicks...
  19. Sigrid

    Icelandic Chickens

    YourLinkGoesHere Chicken names2.eml
  20. Sigrid

    Icelandic Chickens

    Suggestions to the lady in Florida about the heat tolerance of the Icelandic chickens and the new lucky winner in San Diego. We have learned through experience, and know for a fact, that all chickens can be in danger when the temperature is 90 and above. We have a large area and provide 4 large...
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